Thursday, December 25, 2008


Merry Christmas everyone! I must say that I am truly blessed with friends who care about me, two jobs that provide for me, a car to drive me around, a cell phone and computer to keep me in touch with the technological world, ah...the list goes on.

Some people don't have any of that. Kinda blunt eh? In my line of not-so-fun-all-the-time work, I get to talk to those people. The ones who have lost their job, the ones who have been living off their unemployment for the past weeks, months, maybe over a year. The ones who have been searching for a job, only to find out that there were 350 others in front of them applying for the same job. The ones who have children and have to figure out if they'll even be able to buy gifts for Christmas. The ones who didn't get Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner because they couldn't afford it. You know what, I could go on and on about this too.

I guess what I'm getting at is, there are people who are in need right now and you can help them. Whether it is a kind word or maybe a bag full of groceries - that is your choice. Do what your gut (and God) is pushing you to do. Try practicing RAK for a day. RAK is a Random Act of Kindness. It is simply amazing what happens. Let me know what your experience is when you try it. I can't wait to hear all about it!

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