Thursday, May 22, 2008

What will you do?

Today at work we were discussing the price of gas (I don't know anyone who doesn't care about this hot topic) and how we've "heard" that it will increase to $6/gallon by July 4th. We started throwing out ideas of what we thought people will do to be able to afford the gas they need to drive to work, school, run errands, go to sporting events, just drive in general. My first thought (since I'm such an optimist) was that people would need to stop smoking and drinking because they wouldn't be able to afford both. But reality (my coworkers) stepped in and said, typically people will tend to smoke and drink more often and let their bills go delinquent instead. So I've been thinking about this all day. If it really does get to the $6 mark, our lives will change - drastically. There won't be the, "I'm out of _____, I'll just run to the store quick", or "hey, I'll meet you at Lakeside Mall because the stores there are nicer", or "I like the veggies from Nino Salvaggio's better than Kroger, so I'll drive 30 minutes to get them." Instead, we will be forced to make different choices. And honestly, I've already started making those choices. I must admit, I'm one of the lucky ones, I live within walking/bike-riding distance to my job. If it came right down to it, I could make the choice to leave my car at home and take the "greener" and "most cost-efficient" way to work. I'm thinking, what would I do besides that? Maybe give up cable and home phone service to cut some money from my budget? Stick to a very meager budget for food? Not sure. Just wondering, what will you do when you must make budget cuts?

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Ohm Ohm Ohm

UPDATE: Went to the yoga class, then went to the Raven for dinner. I need you to know that my body did participate in most of the poses, but I have to admit that I did end up giggling a little bit here and there because there were some poses my body would have nothing to do with. My giggling made Katie and Theresa giggle as well. And I was sweating just as much as I do when I run on the treadmill or do the elliptical. Wow. I'm in luv with yoga!!


*Typing as quietly as possible*
Now sit down on the floor, shut your eyes and repeat after me Ohhhhhmmmm....ohhhhhhmmmmm....ohhhhhmmmmmmmmmmm. Let the negative thoughts roll off your shoulders. Replace them with positive thoughts. Yes, you can do it! No you are not allowed to think about your bills, what time to fix dinner, the jerk you cut you off in traffic. You are there for YOU.

Now, I want you to put your body in a position that it is not used to being in. Think downward dog. For those of you who don' t know what that means, I'm talking yoga.

That's what me and a couple of my friends are doing tonight. I've been trying to find a place that offers yoga classes and totally found one that is really close to my house. What a find! Really looking forward to this tonight!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Not so much...

Our co-ed softball team started tonight - our team name is Mass Chaos and we all have nicknames on the back of our shirts (mine is Silver Fox). We totally lost. 15-3. Not so great of a start to our season, however - I do have hope. It may have been the below zero temperatures, it may have been the lack of sleep for some, I don't know. I'm anxiously awaiting the day we kick some ass on the field. I'm just gonna put it out's all about strategy. And that strategy is to hit the damn ball to right field because typically, that's where they stick the player who is not that great. In our case, we have one of our best girls at right field. So we really need to work on our right field hitting strategy. And then we will win. Oh and one more thing we need to work on....throwing a catch-a-ble ball to the first baseman (ME). I cannot catch balls that have been launched by the mock 5 missle launcher. I am 5'8", not 7'4". So the strategy is, hit the ball to right and field the ball and give a nice easy throw to Silver Fox. Gonna work on that, hopefully we catch on soon.

Peace out!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Busy weekend!

Whew...I made it. What a busy week and weekend!! I hosted Girls Club on Thursday, Friday night I worked both jobs, which means I worked from 8am-11:45pm, Saturday I went to the salon and then went to my work "employee appreciation" party, and then on to the bar, Sunday back to work from 9am-3pm, then on to my mom's for a Mother's Day extravaganza. By the time I got home Sunday night, I felt like I had gone to Vegas and back on the red eye flight. I had great intentions to go workout this morning so I could attend my friend's dad's funeral tonight, but there was no way I was getting up that early this morning. So I skipped the gym. I can't even imagine if I had kids. I gotta admit, I'm glad it's only me that I have to fend for. Well, here are some photos of Saturday...

That's me and KT, beginning of the night...

Theresa and me (I'm in her wedding in Nov, hence the frantic diet & exercise routine!)

Darla and me, cheesin it up for the camera...

KT and I were taking pics of each other in the bar (cause that's what girls do) and these guys swarmed over like a bunch of mosquitos. The guy on the right wore a purple suit and looked like he was from the band Menudo...this pic does NOT do his mullet-like curly hair any justice!

KT's new husband.

Friday, May 2, 2008

I got me some ink!

What's up everyone, I know you are's my third post in 2 days! But I couldn't help it, I had to show you the fun I had tonight with KT. I'm not gonna lie, I totally forgot what it felt like to get a tattoo (I have two already). It's not a pain you can describe, just uncomfortable I guess? Anywho, I got the tattoo on my ankle re-done because ever since I got it, I have not been too crazy about it. I finally just decided to get it fixed and wow...I'm so glad I did!! Here's the outcome. Not sure why my skin reacts like this, but it's the same thing when I get my eyebrows done. Skin stays red for a lonnng time.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

That's it....I can't take it anymore!

SHIT LIST: My motivation to lose weight.

I am tired of trying to lose weight! I just want the pounds to melt away, goodbye, gone, see you later, hope I never see you again! Stupid tracker that I never use anymore to track how much I eat. No one likes the tracker! No one likes tracking it! Stupid scale that I face each week that is NOT my BFF!! Fricking people around me who are losing weight ("oh, I don't know what's going on, I just lost 15 pounds in one week, I didn't even try") Fracking skinny bitches who think they are fat and need to lose weight, go eat a candy bar!!!! BAH!!!!!!

Whew. I needed that.

Um what?!

Do you ever have a dream that makes you wake up in the middle of the night and go WHAT?! I had one of those last night. Here's what I can remember: I kept losing teeth, one by one, until they were all gone - I remember spitting them out, I remember the feeling that they needed to come out, they hurt enough that I wanted them out. Then I remember brushing my gums and finally running my tongue over my gums and figuring out that I had no teeth. As soon as that happened, I woke up and had a WTF moment. Why in tarnation would I have dreamt this? So, me being addicted to the internet - I looked it up. You can view their interpretation here.

I'm not sure where I fall into as far as the interpretation goes, but I do know this.

That was odd!