Wednesday, July 2, 2008


So tonight at 9:15pm (can you believe they take patients until 11:45PM?!) I headed over to the hospital to get an MRI on my head. Yes people, they're checking to see what's wrong in my - I didn't really know what to expect, I purposefully did not ask many questions because sometimes, it's just not worth it to know exactly what you're in for. Know what I mean? I figured, "shoot...I had heart surgery, this'll be no problem." Ummm. If I never have to take a test like that in the future, I won't be upset. Let me tell you why:

1.) I was sure that I couldn't fit into that little opening, in fact, I even questioned it. The nurse looked at me, laughed and said, oh you'll be fine, you'll fit! Lemme tell ya, there wasn't much room! How do bigger people get MRI's anyways? If I was a little bigger, probably wouldn't have fit.

2.) When your ears are plugged with ear plugs, plus a cushion on both sides that was pretty thick and you can still hear the machine pretty clearly - you know it must be loud!

3.) When your eyes are shut and you can see blue, green and yellow images, I'm not sure what that's all about, but it can't be good.

4.) When they inject this dye into your arm and you immediately smell something odd, somethin ain't right.

5.) When you get out of the testing area and notice that your vein is bulging where they injected that dye, it makes a person wonder. Come to think of it, where does the dye go? Do I pee it out? If so, what color will it be when it comes out? My friend told m the dye is purple and I think it would be totally cool to pee purple since it would match my brand new cell phone that is...the color purple.

A cool thing though, is that I got the copies of all the films they made. So of course when I got home, I had to pull them out and start self-diagnosing my brain scan. Only I don't really know what I'm looking for, except for the scans I see on House on TV. So according to those, I'm good. Must be TMJ that's causing the incessant, non-stop ringing that never ever ever ever goes away.

So that's it! That's my update! More info to follow once I talk to the doctor again in about a week or so. Happy 4th of July!


Morgan's Mom said...

You mean to tell me there isn't a faint shadow of a tiny man with horns on his head and a tail out his arsh carrying a pitch fork??? HAHAHA
Hope everything turns out ok for you. See you tonight!

Alida said...

Dang sounds like it sucked alot. I hope all is well!

Morgan's Mom said...

any news?? in the MRI dept?