So here I sit, it's my day off and wow, do I ever need it after the weekend I had! On Friday, KT and I went out to see Cliff Erikkson play at Quay Street - she even got up on stage and sang with him! I swear that girl has balls of steel. It's one thing to sing karaoke, its another to sing with a guy who hangs out with Kid Rock! She did great, by the way :) Saturday was spent going to Weight Watchers to weigh in (don't ask, what a shitty few weeks I've had), while I was there, I had to lay the smack down on a girl who's been talking shit about me behind my back. TOTALLY called her out on it. I like when I can stand up for myself, it feels good. Then I was off to the gym to sweat it out and then to work for the night. Sunday was (and still is) a blur to me. I walked in the March of Dimes March for Babies (oh by the way, did I mention I got home at 1:15AM from work on Sat night, then had to be up for this event at 7:15AM?!), that was 5 miles...then I headed back to work for a meeting, then I went home and took about an hour nap and then went to softball practice. After that I did a little something special with KT, but I'll let her tell you that story. After our special outing, we went to the Roche and had a few beers. I am now in love with Landshark Beer. With a lime.
This pic is of me and my great friend Theresa at the March of Dimes walk about 3 yrs ago. Can anyone say...blonde glam hair? lol
So today will be spent doing things that I need to the chiropractor because of my old-ness, the store for the things I've been lazy about keeping in stock (like contact lens solution - you'd think after 16-17 yrs of wearing them, I'd keep enough of that shit on hand!), maybe picking up some groceries. But the BEST PART OF TODAY.....
Nada is coming home!! She's been in the hospital for 11 days. It's been a on again, off again recovery. At one point she's doing really well, and then she'll have a not-so-great day. I am so thankful that I have today off so I can go see her!! Thanks all for your prayers, we're still gonna need them though, to help her get through this painful recovery. She said even her fingernails hurt, poor thing! But she's up and around walking (not like us, like a heart patient) and finally today she's coming home. I'm so excited!!!